Comparative characteristics of grain sorghum productivity depending on the nutrition area in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine

  • Ya.V. Alieksieiev Institute of Grain Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: sorghum, row spacing, standing density, growth and development, grain yield


Purpose. To investigate and substantiate the optimal nutrition area of plants of grain sorghum varieties Vinets’, Dniprovs’kyi 39 and hybrid Prime in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research was carried out at the Erastivka Experimental Station of the SI Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS during 2011–2014. Were studied the sowing methods with a row spacing of 45 and 70 cm, plant density in the range from 80 to 180 thous./ha with a gradation every 20 thousand. Growing technology is common for sorghum. Field studies were performed in accordance with zonal recommendations and generally accepted methods. Results. As a result of the performed researches the reaction of the studied sorghum phenotypes to the plants density per unit area was determined and the parameters of the optimal density of grain sorghum plants were established. Findings. Observations of the growth and development of grain sorghum varieties Vinets’, Dniprovs’kyi 39 and hybrid Prime showed that the sowing methods and plant density did not affect the timing and duration of the main phenological phases of crop development. It was established that in the variety Vinets’ the highest grain yield was sowing with 45 cm row spacing (3,70 t/ha) and with 70 cm row spacing (3,83 t/ha) formed at a sowing density of 160 thous. pcs./ha, in the variety Dniprovsky 39 – when sowing with row spacing of 45 cm (4,62–4,54 t/ha) at a sowing density of 140–160 thous. pcs./ha and 70 cm (4,57 t/ha), in crops with a plant density of 120–140 thous./ha, and in the hybrid Prime both when sowing with row spacing of 45 cm (5,88–5,89 t/ha) and 70 cm (5,70–5,71 t/ha), the highest grain yield was formed at densities of 120–140 thous./ha. All studied varieties and hybrid of grain sorghum showed high plasticity in terms of sowing methods and adaptability to the conditions of the Northern Steppe zone.


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