Keywords: morphobiotype, winter wheat, grain mass, linear spike density index, variety.


Today, an important direction in the scientific support of crop production is the creation of highly adaptive varieties for agro-ecological activities with a high degree of genetic protection against adverse environmental factors. It also involves the development of scientific foundations for creating genetically programmed wheat varieties with specific biological and economic characteristics. Objective. The aim of the article is to determine the effectiveness of using indices to predict yield in progeny at early stages of winter wheat selection under different growing conditions. Methods. The research was conducted from 2019 to 2021 at the experimental field of Kherson Agrarian and Economic University. The research material consisted of typical winter and alternative wheat varieties of various genetic and ecological origins. Wheat varieties with different growth types were studied under late sowing conditions (October 10, October 20, November 10). The analysis of variance was conducted according to the guidelines provided by Rokytskyi P.F. Results and Conclusions. Along with studying the genetic correlations between the index of linear spike density and the main traits of selection lines, the interrelationship between this index and other classical indices was also of interest: Harvest index (HI) – the ratio of grain mass to plant mass; Attraction index (AI) – the ratio of ear mass with seeds to stem mass; Maximum index (MI) – the ratio of grain mass from the spike to plant height; Intensity index (II) – the ratio of stem mass to plant height; Potential productivity index (PPI) – the ratio of grain mass from the spike and ear mass with seeds to the number of grains per spike, the characteristics of which are presented in this publication. The linear spike density index (LSDI) should be used as a marker for selecting valuable genotypes by grain mass from the spike at early stages of breeding. The LSDI and the "1000 grain weight" trait are controlled by relatively independent genetic systems, creating a favorable situation for the positive selection of morphobiotypes for both the index and the 1000 grain weight. By the value of LSDI, it is possible to select short-stemmed morphobiotypes with a larger number of grains per spike, and consequently, increased grain mass from the spike.


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