Effect of freezing of maize hybrid seeds on their quality

  • M.Ya. Kyrpa Institute of Grain Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.F. Stasiv Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian region National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • N.A. Bodenko Institute of Grain Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • Yu.O. Lavrynenko Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: low temperatures, corn cobs, drying, germination, yield


Purpose. Establishing the influence of different freezing conditions on the seed quality of maize hybrids depending on their harvesting moisture and drying methods. Methods. Laboratory methods to determine seed quality indicators; field methods to identify germination, growth and development of plants and yields of maize hybrids; statistical methods to establish the reliability of the results. Freezing of cobs was carried out in a freezer at different temperatures, exposures and humidity of the grain, drying was carried out in laboratory electric dryers with control of seed heating. Results. The data characterizing the influence of temperatures −3–5 and −8–10 ⁰C with exposure of 6, 12 and 24 hours on the quality of seeds of maize hybrids with humidity of 36–38, 28–30 and 18–20% are obtained, the peculiarities of drying of frozen cobs are shown. The effect of freezing was ambiguous: at a humidity of 36–38% germination was significantly reduced for all variants of the experiment; at a humidity of 28–30%, the decrease was slightly smaller (by 2–5% at a temperature of −3–5 ⁰C with an exposure of 6 hours); at a humidity of 18–20% freezing at a temperature of −3–5 ⁰C and exposure for 6 and 12 hours did not reduce the laboratory germination of seeds. Freezing at a temperature of −8–10 ºC led to a significant reduction in germination in the experiments. Features and temperature regime of drying of frozen wet cobs are revealed. The effect of frosts on corn cobs in the field, as well as collected and placed on the sites, was compared. Conclusions. Seed quality of maize hybrids under freezing conditions is formed due to the interaction of low temperature, its exposure and grain moisture. The quality does not decrease at a temperature of −3–5 ⁰C, exposure of 6 and 12 hours and humidity of 18–20%, as well as drying of wet frozen cobs, with heating of seeds within 30–40 ⁰C. In case of probability of frost, early collection and covering of wet cobs for the period of low and critical air temperatures is recommended.


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