Varieties of peas contrasting in terms of morphology and biology, both traditional and original, with a unique set of features are widely grown in production. The purpose of the research is to analyze the yield of pea grain and identify high-yielding varieties. Research methodology. The research was conducted at the research plots of the Odesa State Agricultural Research Station of the National Academy of Sciences. The selection material in the experiment is represented by the selection varieties of the Institute of plant breeding named after V.Ya. Yurieva of the National Academy of Sciences – Tsarevych, Oplot, Otaman, Metsenat, Korvet, Haiduk, Malahite, as well as one variety Svit was represented by the Breeding and Genetics Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences. Varieties of the intense leafless type, medium-ripening, semi-dwarf in height, only the Tsarevich variety is medium-early in maturity. Results of the research: Among the pea samples, which during the years of research formed an increased yield in the test, it is possible to single out the Haiduk (1.36 t/ha) and Svit (1.38 t/ha) varieties. For the conditions of the South of Ukraine, the pea varieties selected by the Plant Breeding Institute were found to be adapted. V.Ya. Yurieva of the National Academy of Sciences according to various parameters of the crop structure, as follows: the height of Corvet plants – 30.25 cm; productive branching Oplot variety – 4.65 pcs.; by the number of seeds from a plant of the Otaman and Oplot varieties – 20.05 and 18.95 pcs.; according to the weight of the seeds from the plant, there are also Otaman (3.29 g) and Oplot (3.23 g) varieties; and the weight of 1000 seeds of Haiduk (220.95 g), Svit (202.32 g), Malahite (182.64 g) and Oplot (170.41 g) varieties. Conclusions. According to the assessment of the varieties in the ecological test, it was shown that the pea selection at the V.Ya. Yuriev Institute of Plant Breeding of the National Academy of Sciences has a significant potential in creating varieties well adapted to the conditions of the eastern part and the conditions of the South. Ecological testing of breeding material shows the adaptability created with the maximum level of realization of the genetic potential according to a certain set of environmental factors during cultivation.
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