The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of herbicides on weediness, photosynthetic parameters and productivity of chickpea varieties Dostatok, Skarb, Yaryna. Research materials and methods. Field research was conducted at the experimental field of the Odesa State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Climate-oriented Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences in 2022–2024 with the aim of optimizing chickpea cultivation technology in the south of Ukraine under conditions of climate change. The experimental field is located in the village of Khlibodarsk, Bilyaivskyi (now Odesa) district, Odesa region. The experiments involved one of the most widely used herbicides in leguminous crops, the active ingredient Bentazon (480 g/l), which was used together with the active ingredient Imazamox (40 g/l), which is highly active against dicotyledonous weeds found in phase 2–3 leaves, in chickpea crops. Chickpea varieties Yaryna, Dostatok, Karb were studied. The results. Studies have shown that it is better to apply both herbicides in a mixture in half doses. With the introduction of herbicides ingredient (40 g/l) and ingredient Bentazon (480 g/l) in their pure form, the total number of weeds at the beginning of the growing season decreased by 4.4 and 4.2 times, respectively, and for the use of their mixture – 5.3 times. The advantage of the tank mixture was preserved even before harvesting. This option works most effectively on birch-like bitter gourd, common gorse, and field birch. Some plants of gray mouse and chicken millet remained on the crops. In the experimental variants, no liquefaction of chickpea density was observed. During manual weeding of the control plots, there was no segetal vegetation on the crops. On the options where herbicides were applied, the total photosynthetic potential of chickpea varieties was: Yaryna variety 0.828–0.960 thousand m2*day/ha, Skarb variety 0.769–0.888 thousand m2*day/ha and Dostatok variety 0.757–0.873 thousand m2*days/ha. The increase in photosynthetic potential compared to the control variant was: variety Dostatok 0.155–0.467 thousand m2*day/ha, variety Skarb 0.109–0.348 thousand m2*day, variety Yaryna 0.114–0.332 thousand m2*day/ha. Conclusions. The maximum yield of chickpea seeds was established in the Yaryna variety with the application of herbicides in a mixture of d.r. Imazamox + d.r. Bentazon and manual weeding. On average, over the years of research, for the introduction of herbicides in the mixture of d.r. Imazamox + d.r. Bentazon, the yield value was 1.70 tons per hectare, which exceeds the control variant (without treatment with herbicides) by 0.52 tons per hectare or by 44.1%. Application of herbicide separately Imazamox increased the yield by 0.26 tons or by 22.1%, the application of the herbicide Bentazon increased the yield by 0.28 tons or by 23.7%. The maximum level of seed yield of the Yaryna variety was observed on the plots with manual weeding – 1.82 t/ha, yield increase – 0.64 t/ha or 54.2%. However, such productivity did not guarantee high profitability of production due to high costs of double manual weeding.
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