Goal. Establishing the influence of the main tillage and sideration on the formation of reserves of available moisture and water consumption of corn on typical low-humus chernozems. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical, comparative and calculation. The results. The use of deep tillage up to 35 cm and no-till technology exceeded the reserves of available moisture compared to surface tillage by 4.7 and 0.9%, respectively. The highest reserves of available moisture in the 0–30 cm soil layer before harvesting corn under surface tillage were formed by 0.4 mm compared to no-till technology, according to NIR05=0.8 mm. At the beginning of the corn growing season in the 0–100 cm layer, the shelf-less deep loosening option exceeded the content of available moisture by 2.4% compared to surface tillage. The use of a mixture of side crops (oily radish + white mustard + phacelia + vetch + flax + Sudan grass) contributed to the increase of available moisture reserves in the 0–100 cm soil layer by 1.4–2.3% compared to the control. The use of manure in combination with mineral fertilizers led to a decrease in the water consumption coefficient in corn agrocenoses by 17.7–26.5% compared to the control. Conclusions. Available moisture reserves in the 0–100 cm layer per harvest period under surface tillage tended to decrease by 2.6 mm compared to no-till technology. There was no significant difference in the studied variants of application of organic fertilizers. The amount of moisture for the period of harvesting on the variants of application of organic fertilizers in the 0–30 cm layer was in the range of 20.0–22.9 mm. The lowest moisture consumption per 1 g of dry matter was established for shelfless deep loosening – 306 m3/t of absolutely dry mass. The use of a mixture of sider crops (option 7), manure compatible with mineral fertilizers, mineral fertilizer moisture in a meter layer is spent less than for plots of by-products of winter wheat (control).
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