The purpose of the research was to determine physical and chemical characteristics of cherry fruits of seven cultivars and one promising selection under the pedo-climatic conditions of the right-bank part of the Western Forest Steppe of Ukraine for the evaluation of their suitability for the mechanical harvesting. Methods. Physical indicators were determined by weighing and measuring by penetrometer; chemical – by titration, spectrophotometry and refractometry methods. Results. According to such indicators as the effort to tear the fruit from the peduncle and the effort to crush the fruit, the promising selection D 36-25 and the cultivars Balaton, Erdi Botermo, Debrecenyi Botermo and Igrushka were selected as suitable for mechanscal harvesting. Based on the consumption qualities, in particular, the content of brix, titrated acids and sugar-acid index, fruits of the Turgenevka variety and the promising selection D 36-26 were identified as a dessert group, the rest – as cultivars for processing. The fruits of the varieties Balaton, Nochka, D 36-25 were noted for the highest content of vitamin C, Erdi Botermo, Lutovka, D 36-25 for the sum of phenolic compounds. Findings. The research has proven the suitability for mechanical harvesting of the promising selection D 36-25, as well as varieties Balaton, Erdi Botermo, Debrecen Botermo and Igrushka. The fruits of the promising selection D 36-25, according to the complex of consumption qualities, in particular the content of brix, titrated acids and sugar-acid index, after mechanical harvesting, can used both for fresh market and for processing. The high content of polyphenols in the fruits of all cherry varieties makes them a raw material that is excellent for the creation of functional products using the technologies of quick freezing, infrared drying and sublimation.
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