In the context of modern agriculture, characterised by changing climatic conditions and declining soil fertility, there is an urgent need to increase the area under leguminous crops. This study proposes strategies to optimise nutritional conditions for growing winter peas with a focus on resource conservation and increasing soil nitrogen content. To identify key strategies for optimising winter pea cultivation technologies, a review of existing literature on winter pea cultivation, nutrient management and soil fertility improvement was conducted. In addition, field experiments and observations were conducted to assess the effective ness of modern biological fertilisers, growth regulators and controlled doses of mineral fertilisers in improving winter pea yields and soil quality. The use of modern biological fertilisers, growth regulators and controlled doses of mineral fertilisers is recommended to increase yields and improve soil quality. In addition, it is proposed to explore the possibility of growing winter peas alongside conventionally grown spring peas, as winter peas make better use of winter moisture reserves, leading to higher yields and earlier field clearance for subsequent crops. By implementing innovative strategies, such as the use of biological fertilisers, growth regulators and controlled doses of mineral fertilisers, farmers can increase winter pea yields, improve soil quality and promote sustainable agricultural practices. This will not only stabilise crop yields, but also increase the environmental efficiency of farming by reducing the use of mineral fertilisers and preserving the natural soil resource. Further research on the cultivation of winter peas, in particular in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine, is aimed at solving urgent agricultural problems in this region.
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