Seasonal dynamics of mobile potassium under winter wheat growing and various nutrients sypplying of podzolized chernozem
The purpose of the research is to study the seasonal dynamics of mobile potassium in chernozem podzolic during the growing season of winter wheat. Results. The article findings present the seasonal dynamics of mobile potassium during different phases of ontogenesis and under different levels of winter wheat yields depending on: spatial heterogeneity, different phosphorus and potassium content in podzolized chernozem. The research was carried out on the experimental plots of the LLC “Lotivka Elite” in the Shepetіvsky district of the Khmelnytsky region. There was used the BBCH-scale (“B” – Biologische, “B” – Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt, “CH” – emische Industrie) during phenological observations. The received data were statistically analyzed by such indexes as: the number of observations (n) the mean (Xav) the standard deviation (S) the coefficient of variation (Cv) the absolute error of the mean (SXav). The studies have demonstrated significant dynamic seasonal changes of the mobile potassium in an arable layer of podzolized chernozem. A mobile potassium content has increased at the BBCH 30 stage, decreased – by booting, increased – by stem extension, and again decreased – by flowering stage on the background of the medium level of mobile phosphorus and potassium (PcKc). At the same time, under different nutrient level (РнКс, РднКс, РсКп, РсКн) high rates of a mobile potassium were obtained at the BBCH 60 stage, that is, in the flowering phase. The winter wheat yield has decreased by 30 and 8–11% – at very low and low levels, but increased by 34% – at increased levels of P2 O5 and K2O content. The highest winter wheat yield was obtained on the background of increased content of mobile potassium – 9,1 t/ha, while under the lowest content – it was only 6,4 t/ha. With an average of a mobile potassium content, the winter wheat yield has changed insignificantly and counted 7,69 ± 0,6 t/ha.
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