Keywords: Maize, phytophagous insects, yield, resistance, monitoring, resource-saving technologies.


this study investigates the impact of harmful insect species on the expression of the genetic potential of modern maize hybrids. It was established that grain yield losses due to phytophagous insects can exceed 30%, and under adverse conditions and in the absence of effective monitoring and protection, these losses can reach 35-47% or more. The study notes that climate change facilitates the expansion of ranges and adaptation of specialized pest species such as the corn borer, cotton bollworm, and western corn rootworm, which are not adequately controlled by the protective mechanisms of modern maize hybrids. Longterm research has demonstrated a correlation between the abundance and harmfulness of phytophagous insects and the systems of nutrition, soil cultivation, plant protection, as well as the impact of resource-saving cultivation technologies. Specifically, the use of No-till systems does not always reduce insect damage, indicating the need for a differentiated approach to selecting agro-technologies. Despite the use of a wide range of chemical and biologically active compounds, pests are developing resistance, increasing the need for effective monitoring and control. Special attention is given to the genetic changes and adaptive responses of dominant phytophagous species to environmental changes and cultivation technologies. It was established that different systems of nutrition, soil cultivation, and plant protection affect the formation of maize entomocomplex, including photosynthetic, morpho-physiological resistance, and crop yield. The importance of a comprehensive approach to maize protection is justified, which includes pest monitoring, resource-saving production systems, and the application of liquid fertilizers, particularly 32% urea-ammonium nitrate. The authors emphasize the need to adapt cultivation technologies to climate change conditions to ensure the sustainability of agrocenoses and increase maize productivity.


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