Keywords: variety-rootstock combination, soil and climatic conditions, fluorescence induction, photosynthesis, potential productivity, photosynthetic activity.


Purpose. Detection of the influence of the type of rootstock on a cherry tree of the Igrushka variety by the indicator of changes in the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus. Methods. Laboratory studies of functional compliance with growth conditions and the potential of photosynthetic activity were evaluated by the induction of chlorophyll fluorescence (IFH) of leaves according to the appropriate methods developed, tested and implemented by scientists- researchers of IS of NAAS of Ukraine. Results. The article highlights the peculiarities of the passage of the main stages of the photosynthetic process of the grafted cherry in the conditions of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine. The influence of promising rootstocks V-5-88, V-2-180, V-2-230, Krymsk 5 on the photosynthetic productivity of cherries was revealed. The functional state of the variety-rootstock combinations of the above culture during the growing seasons of 2022-2024 under conditions favorable to the culture and under significant abiotic stress was evaluated. It has been established that the Igrushka cherry, grafted on Krymsk 5, best meets the conditions of the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine in terms of the structural and functional organization of the pigment system. The potential of photosynthetic productivity under optimal conditions was the highest in cherry of the Igrushka variety grafted on Krymsk 5 and, especially, V-2-230. At the same time, the productivity of photosynthesis of the last of these variants significantly decreased during drought. We noted non-standard signal transmission during measurements for cherry combinations with rootstocks V-5-88, V-2-180 and V-2-230. In our opinion, this is related to the problems of physiological (hidden) incompatibility of vaccination components. At the same time, the induction curves of these variants acquired a pronounced step-like shape during the entire time of signal registration. This effect increased during measurements in the second half of the growing seasons for all three above-mentioned options. Findings. Under unfavorable weather conditions (drought), the higher productivity of photosynthesis in 2022-2024 was characterized by the Igrushka cherry grafted on Krymsk 5. With optimal water supply, higher productivity potential, compared to the variant on antipka, was noted in cherry of the above-mentioned variety on Krymsk 5 and, especially, V-2-230.


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