Determining optimal concentration of ethyl methanesulfonate for induced mutagenesis of grain amaranth

Keywords: amaranth, mutagenesis, ethyl methanesulfonate, dose, germination, survival, productivity, morphological changes


Purpose. Based on the analysis of germination and variability of traits in the first mutant generation, determine the optimal concentrations of ethyl methanesulfonate foramaranth. Methods. Laboratory and field experiment, variance analysis and descriptive statistics (at the significance level of p=0.05). Results. The laboratory germination of the treated seeds decreased from 99 % at the control to 74 % at the EMS concentration of 1.5 %, but at concentrations up to 0.8 % inclusive, the difference with the control did notexceed 4 %. The seed germination period increased from 1 to 10 days. In a field experiment, an EMS concentration of 1.0 % was lethal. Field germination and survival of plants at a concentration of 0.4 % were at the control level, and at a concentration of 0.8 % they were reduced by 26 % and 23 %, respectively. A delay in plant developmentat all stages was noted. The share of plants with morphological changes was 33 % at all concentrations (1.5 % at control). The share of plants that did not produce seeds reached 16.6 % at a concentration of 0.8 % (there are no such plants at the control). Compared to the control at a concentration of 0.8 %, plant height decreased by 49.6 cm (41 %), panicle length by 11.0 cm (37 %), productivity by 7.2 g (79 %). A significant (at the p=0.05 level of significance) difference was observed both withthe control and between different co-concentrations. The weight of 1000 seeds decreased by 0.02 g (3 %), only the concentration of 0.8 % differed significantly from the control. The coefficient of variation of all traits increases with increasing EMS concentration (for plant height from 9.0 % to 14.0 %, for panicle length – from 12.7 % to 24.5 %, for panicle productivity – from 35.3 % to 65.8 %, for weight of 1000 seeds – from 6.2 % to 9.8 %). Conclusions. Concentrations of EMS in the range of 0.6…0.8% are optimal for induced mutagenesis of grain amaranth for 18 hours. Higher concentrations are lethal, and lower concentrations are ineffective.


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