Soybean’s productivity depending on irrigation methods

  • I.M. Ovchatov SE "DG" Big Wedges "of the Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine "
  • O.V. Zhuravlov Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, subsurface drip irrigation, yield, leaf area, plant height, 1 000 grain weight


Purpose. Study of the influence of sprinkling, drip irrigation and subsoil drip irrigation on growth processes, crop structure and soybean’s seed yield. Methods. Short-term field experiment, analytical and statistical methods of experimental data processing. Results. Modern irrigation methods are considered as a key factor in the intensification of soybean growing technologies. Field experimental studies were carried out on the lands of the Kamyans’ko-Dnieprovs’ka experimental station IWPLM of NAAS during 2018–2020. The obtained results confirm that the method of irrigation significantly affects the formation of the main biometric parameters, structural elements of the crop and the yield of soybean seeds. It was established that the maximum parameters of growth processes (plant height, leaf surface area, as well as photosynthetic potential and net productivity of photosynthesis) of soybeans are provided by drip irrigation. Significantly lower and similar values were determined for the conditions of subsurface drip irrigation and sprinkling, and the lowest parameters of soybean productivity were obtained under conditions of natural moisture. The highest yield of soybean seeds was obtained with drip irrigation – 5,87 t/ha, while with the subsurface laying of irrigation pipelines, it was significantly lower – 4,14 t/ha. In the variant with sprinkling, the decreases in grain yield by 0,22 t/ha compared to subsurface drip irrigation was within the error of the field experiment (LSD05 = 0,49). On the conditional control option (without irrigation), on average, for three years, a low yield level was obtained – only 1,38 t/ha, which confirms the significant risks and inexpediency of this crop in the Steppe conditions without irrigation. Conclusions. Based on the results of the research, the features were determined and the regularities of the formation of the main biometric parameters of soybean plants were determined depending on the irrigation methods. Correlation dependences of soybean seed yield and such parameters as leaf surface area, photosynthetic potential and net photosynthesis productivity were established. These dependences are represented by linear regression equations.


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