Contamination of winter barley grain by fungal pathogens in the Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: winter barley, mycoflora, seeds, Alternaria spp, Helminthosporium spp., Fusarium spp., Cladosporium herbarum, Penicillium spp.


The purpose – to determine the mycoflora composition of winter barley seeds in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine. Research methods and materials. Barley grain samples of the 2021–2022 winter harvest were collected at the farm of the «Elita» JSC of the Izmail district of the Odesa region. The methodological basis of this research is: empirical (field selections; measurement of indicators of the research object), theoretical (proposing a hypothesis and forming conclusions based on research results); statistical;mathematical. The results. It was found that the infection rate in 2021 was higher (75.4%) compared to 2022 (30.5%). This is primarily due to weather conditions that adversely affected plants during the 2021 growing season. It was established that in all samples of winter barley varieties of 2021, fungi of the genus Fusarium spp. from 10.0% to a maximum of 15.0%. Pathogens Helminthosporium spp. the grain of the Ninth Val variety was most affected (25.0%). The dominant species during the growing season in the pathogenic complex were fungi of the genus Alternaria spp, they affected from 55.0% to 70.0% of winter barley seeds, the Snow Queen and Valkyrie varieties were most prominent. It was established that 3.0 to 7.0% of winter barley grains were affected by Cladosporium herbarum fungi. It was investigated that in the conditions of2022, Helminthosporium spp. dominated among grains infected with pathogens. from 45.0% to 50.0%. The detection frequency of Cladosporium herbarum was higher this year and ranged from 5.0% to 14.0%. We investigated that the grain was colonized by species of fungi of the genus Fusarium spp. from 5.0% to 8.0%. A significant percentage of grain was affected by Alternaria spp., the analyzed indicators ranged from 30.0% to 40.0%. A specific proportion of Penicillium spp. was at a low level and amounted to (1.0%–2.0%). Conclusions. In the years 2021–2022, the level of infection of grain of winter barley varieties with pathogenic fungi was high in the «Elita» SC of the Izmail district of the Odesa region. Infection by pathogens in the Steppe zone of Ukraine to a large extent also depended on the amount of precipitation in the flowering phase – milk ripeness. It was they who contributed to the initial signs of the disease and created conditions for the gradual accumulation of infectious potential on winter barley crops.


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