Utilitarian value and decorative properties of Amelanchier canadensis, Viburnum opulus and quince

Keywords: uncommon plants, fruit plants, gardening, landscape design, nutritional value


Among the rare fruit-bearing plants, the Amelanchier canadensis, Viburnum opulus and quince occupy a special place, as they have not only medicinal, edible, but also decorative value. On the basis of the analyzed sources of scientific literature, it was established that it is possible to use the Canadian dogwood, common viburnum, and common quince in landscape design, since certain morphological features and biological features ensure their perception as elements of garden and park design. The purpose of the research was to highlight the national and economic importance and decorative value of rare fruiting plants, such as Amelanchier canadensis (Amelanchier canadensis Medik.), Viburnum opulus (Viburnum opulus L.), quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) and the possibility of their use in creating a decorative landscape, which has not only aesthetic content, but also economic value. Methods. The available sources were studied by the methods of theoretical analysis, comparison and generalization, and also used the generally accepted methods of writing review articles. Results. The economic value, decorative value, and physicochemical composition of the fruits of the Amelanchier canadensis, Viburnum opulus and quince were analyzed. It was determined that the fruits of the researched rare fruit crops have high taste, medicinal and dietary qualities, and the plants themselves are distinguished by decorative features and plastic in formation, which ensures their perception as elements of landscape design. Conclusions. Therefore, Amelanchier canadensis, Viburnum opulus and quince should be considered sufficiently winter- and drought-resistant. These plants are highly decorative and can be used for greening urban areas and plots of various purposes. The study of the viability and economic value of the selected plants showed that all the studied plants belong to the group of promising ones for introduction into culture as well.


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