Obtaining bio-compost by pre-treating base materials with EM preparations

  • M.M. Kovalov Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • М.І. Mostipan Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • H.А. Kulyk Central Ukrainian National Technical University
Keywords: waste, combined utilization, EM Bioactive, composting, resource-saving technology


Composting is one of the most common methods of utilization of waste from crop and livestock industries. Application of advanced technology of combined composting of cattle manure and waste from growing crop products with the use of microbial preparations allows obtaining bio-compost. Its main advantage over other composts is cheapness. In addition, using this technology can solve a number of environmental problems. Purpose. The objective of our research was to develop technology for combined utilization of crop and livestock waste using microbiological preparations. Methods. A series of organic substrates containing various types of organic livestock and crop wastes were prepared for research on vermin-culture and vermin- composting: barley straw, wheat straw, corn grit, as well as liquid cattle excrement removed by hydro-washing. Each of the above organic residues was mixed with manure (pH – 5,8) in the ratio of 1:1. All organic components (except peat) were pre-milled to a pasty state. Results. Aerobic composting with a short course of biochemical processes is when livestock and crop waste is taken to a special hydro-insulated site, equipped with a system of perforated pipes for air supply and drainage of infiltrate. The waste is stored in layers with mandatory treatment of each layer with a microbiological preparation – EM Bioactive or EM Compost. The course of microbiological processes of decomposition and disinfection of the compost mixture is intensified by replacing the obligate microorganisms of the organic filler with optional preparations. Temperature, humidity and CO2 content in the pile are periodically monitored. If all technological requirements are met, the volume of the pile will be reduced by 40–60% after composting. The percentage fluctuation depends on the type of fillers used. The recommended application rate of the finished product is 3–10 t/ha, depending on the particle size distribution of the soil and the degree of its humus content. Due to the use of EM drugs, compost is absolutely safe in sanitary and epidemiological terms, because it does not contain pathogenic microflora and is devoid of unpleasant odors and can be used in various sectors of agriculture. Conclusions. Composting technology with the production of EM compost by aerobic method is a resource-saving technology, because it does not require a large number of machines and equipment. EM compost is a guarantee of ecological stability of the region and the state as a whole due to obtaining high-quality and sustainable yields, increasing profitability of the livestock industry.


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