The influence of predecessors and sowing dates on the sowing qualities of seeds in the northeastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of predecessors and sowing dates on the sowing qualities of winter wheat seeds. The research was conducted during 2019/20, 2020/21 in the northeastern part of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Depending on the predecessors of soybeans and sunflowers and during two sowing periods (September 25 and October 5), the peculiarities of the formation of seed qualities of winter wheat varieties were studied: Triticum aestivum L. (MIP Yuvileina, MIP Fortuna, MIP Lada and Avrora Myronivska) and Triticum durum Desf. (MIP Lakomka). It was found that the conditions of the northeastern part of the Forest Steppe are favorable for the formation of seeds with high sowing qualities of soft and hard winter wheat. It was established that the influence of predecessors and sowing dates on germination energy and laboratory germination was less pronounced, compared to the activity of seed pecking. It was established that in the hard winter wheat variety MIP Lakomka, seeds were formed with 12% higher germination activity when sown on October 5 than on September 25. Soft winter wheat varieties MIP Yuvileina, MIP Lada and Avrora Myronivska did not react to the change in sowing dates and their germination energy was at the level of 90.0; 95.0; 98.0 and 99.0%, respectively. All varieties of soft and hard winter wheat, sown after the sunflower predecessor, had a high percentage of laboratory germination and exceeded the standard variety. It was found that after the soybean predecessor, the MIP Yuvileina variety is best sown on October 5, and Avrora Myronivska – regardless of the sowing date. The MIP Fortuna and MIP Lada varieties have proven themselves best in the 1st term (September 25). It was established that, after the predecessor sunflower, the sowing quality of the seeds was the highest in the hard winter wheat variety of the MIP Lakomka in the first term (September 25), and in the soft winter wheat varieties of the Fortuna MIP – in the II (October 5) in the MIP Lada and Avrora Myronivska – for both sowing periods.
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