Transgressions of biometric traits in hulless spring barley F2 hybrids

Keywords: hulless spring barley, transgressions, valuable economic traits, cluster analysis, selection


Purpose. Establishment of transgressive variability and selection of high-yielding spring barley barley combinations using statistical methods of data grouping based on cluster analysis of k-mean quantitative traits of F2 hybrids. Methods. The study of 42 F2 hybrid combinations hulless spring barley created in the system of diallel crossings was carried out. We conducted a structural analysis according to the main indicators of productivity: stem length, productive bushiness, spike length of the main stem, number of grains per spike, weight of grain per spike, weight of grains per plant, weight of 1000 grains. We determined the degree and frequency of transgressions of quantitative traits in F2 hybrids of hulles spring barley. Determination of statistical parameters and grouping of hybrid combinations by quantitative characteristics was carried out using the method of k-means by OPSTAT and Statistica 10 software. Results. The largest number of positive transgressions was observed for the mass of grain from the plant (38 combinations of crossings or 90.5 %). In thirty- six combinations (85.7 %) a positive transgression was established for productive tillering, in thirty-five positive transgressions were noted for the productivity of the main ear and the weight of 1000 grains. A significant number (28 pcs.) of hybrid combinations showed positive transgressions in the number of grains in the main spike, and the least (16 combinations) observed positive transgressions in the length of the main spike. Cluster analysis made it possible to group the samples according to the manifestation of quantitative characteristics and to distribute the new source material according to the directions of selection work. Findings. The best F2 hybrid combinations were selected: Alamo / CDC ExPlus (G36), Roseland / Alamo (G10), Alamo / Natair (G32) and Kozatskyi / Alamo (G37) – according to productive tillering and grain mass per plant; Alamo / Roseland (G34) – according to the length of the main ear; Alamo / Kozatskyi (G31) – by the number of grains in the main ear; Alamo / Roseland (G34), Alamo / Kozatskyi (G31), Roseland / Alamo (G10), CDC ExPlus / Hilose (G13) – by mass of grain from the ear; CDC Gainer / CDC ExPlus (G2) – 1000 grains by weight.


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