Biotechnological direction of winter wheat cultivation depending on the crop rotation factor in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine
Modern conditions of agricultural sector development require constant increase in the production volumes of high-quality agricultural products. These issues are becoming particularly relevant due to global climate changes, scientifically justified approaches to crop structure and fertilization systems, and the biologization of agriculture. Therefore, further growth in winter wheat production, increasing its productivity and improving grain quality require continuous improvement and optimization of cultivation technology based on the latest scientific developments. The aim of our research was to establish the correlation between yield levels and economic efficiency of winter wheat cultivation in short crop rotations using a biopreparation in the conditions of the Northern Steppe region of the country. Field research was conducted during 2021-2023 at the Institute of Agriculture of the Steppe NAAS. Winter wheat variety Oranta Odeska was grown in three short rotation crop rotations with soybean saturation levels of 20 %, 40 %, and 60 %. The winter wheat seeds were treated with the biopreparation Mycofriend. Seed treatment with the Mycofriend preparation contributed to higher winter wheat yield indicators in crop rotations with different soybean saturations: 60 % – 5.58 t/ha, 40 % – 5.98 t/ha, 20 % – 6.63 t/ha. However, a significant yield increase due to the action of the biopreparation was obtained in crop rotations with soybean concentrations of 60 % and 40 %. The crop rotation factor had a more significant impact on winter wheat yield in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. The highest economic efficiency was observed in the grain-fallow-row crop rotation with soybean saturation up to 20 % using the biologically active preparation, where under these conditions, the profitability was 132.9 %. The crop rotation factor had a greater impact on obtaining additional net income, with the maximum increase observed without using the biopreparation in the grain-fallow- row crop rotation with 20 % soybean saturation. Overall, our research highlights the importance of crop rotation, soybean saturation levels, and biopreparation in enhancing winter wheat yield and economic efficiency in the Northern Steppe region of Ukraine.
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