Biometric indicators of innovative corn hybrids of different FAO groups at different sowing times in the conditions of the Northern Steppe
The purpose of the article is to establish the influence of sowing dates on the biometric indicators of innovative corn hybrids of different FAO groups in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. Research methods and materials. Field experiments were conducted during 2021–2023 on the territory of the "Svitlana" FGD, Yelanetsky District, Mykolaiv Oblast. The methodological basis of this research is: empirical (field experiments and observations; measurement of indicators of the research object; comparison of the influence of elements of agricultural technologies), theoretical (proposing a hypothesis and forming conclusions based on the results of research; statistical; mathematical. The results. Hybrids of the FAO group 380–420 in the vegetation conditions of dry years are more sensitive to moisture deficit and late sowing dates. Under the conditions of low reserves of soil moisture in the spring period, the use of hybrids of this maturity group in steppe conditions leads to a decrease in biometric indicators and a loss of yield. The manifestation of biometric features of corn hybrids of different FAO groups was determined and their relationship with grain yield when grown in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine was investigated. The impact of sowing dates on the biometric parameters of corn hybrid plants was determined. Thus, the greatest height of hybrid plants was observed after sowing on April 25 and May 5. During sowing on May 15, the height of plants significantly decreased in hybrids of all maturity groups, which indicates accelerated growth and development of plants at high air temperatures and moisture deficiency in the upper soil layer. Hybrids of the smaller FAO group (190, 280) were more resistant to drought and late sowing periods. Differences in plant height characteristic of hybrid genotypes were observed only during early sowing periods (April 15–25) and in years with favorable weather conditions. Analyzing the influence of sowing dates on the height of cob laying in hybrids, it is necessary to note a decrease in the location of cobs under unfavorable conditions of the year. So, on average, according to the sowing dates and hybrids, the height of the cob attachment in the unfavorable year 2022 was 96 cm, and in favorable years – 111–113 cm. The sowing dates affected the height of the cob location depending on the hybrid genotype. The share of the influence of factors according to statistical analysis showed that the contribution of the genetic characteristics of the hybrid to plant height indicators is 42%, sowing dates – 17%, weather conditions of the year – 21%, the interaction between AB factors – 14%, other influencing factors accounted for 6%. Conclusions. Established hybrids that have a high level of homeostatic manifestation of plant biometric indicators at different sowing times and weather conditions of the year. A high level of correlations of biometric indicators with grain yield was established in Stepovy and Oleshkivskyi hybrids, which can be a marker of the preliminary forecast of grain yield. Hybrids of the FAO group 380–420 in the vegetation conditions of dry years of the steppe zone are more sensitive to moisture deficit and late sowing dates. Under conditions of low reserves of soil moisture in the spring period, the use of hybrids of this maturity group in steppe conditions leads to a decrease in biometric indicators and a loss of yield.
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