Environmental assessment of the activities of secondary waste processing enterprises

Keywords: experimental site, heavy metals, environmental condition, maximum permissible concentration, hazard ratio


The purpose of the article is to study the impact of a secondary waste processing enterprise on the environment. Methods. The methodological basis of this research is: empirical (field experiments and observations; measurement of indicators of the research object; theoretical (putting forward a hypothesis and forming conclusions based on research results; statistical; mathematical. Results. The concentration of heavy metals Pb and Cd below the maximum limit of 7.89 and 7.77 times, respectively. The content of Zn and Cu did not exceed the standards and were 11.9 and 56.7 times lower than the MPC. The results of the research showed that the content of Pb within the limits of the enterprise itself was within the intermediate range sites – the concentration of Pb in the soil increased to 0.94 mg/kg, the content of Pb in the soil decreased to 0.76 mg/kg. The concentration of Cd within the enterprise itself was 0.03 mg/kg the Cd concentration in the soil increased to 0.31 mg/kg, the Cd content in the soil decreased to 0.09 mg/kg. The results of the studies showed that the Zn content within the enterprise itself was 1.01 mg/kg. Within the intermediate area, the concentration of Zn in the soil increased and amounted to 2.08 mg/kg, within the waste reception point, the content of Zn in the soil decreased by 92.7% and amounted to 1.93 mg/kg. The Cu content within the enterprise was 0.21 mg/kg. Within the intermediate area, the Cu concentration in the soil increased to 1.4 mg/kg, within the waste reception point, the Cu content in the soil decreased by 69.2% and amounted to 0.97 mg/kg. Conclusions. Studies have established the absence of toxic soil contamination. The concentration of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cu was below the MPC, which indicates that the enterprise "Podilska Sich" LLC for the processing of secondary waste does not harm the environment. The highest content of heavy metals was determined in the intermediate section between the enterprise and the point of reception of secondary raw materials, but at the same time the indicators did not exceed the MPC. The objective reason for the increase in the concentration of heavy metals in this area is the proximity of the highway, which is a direct source of heavy metal contamination of the soil. The indicator of the hazard ratio in the studied territories did not exceed 1, therefore, this ecotoxicological assessment of the soils of «Podilska Sich» LLP confirms the safety of the work of enterprises processing secondary waste.


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