Keywords: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, grain yield, statistical dependence.


Purpose. Analysis of the content of nutrients in ameliorated sod-podzolic soil during the cultivation of winter wheat under different doses of mineral nutrition to deepen the understanding of the relationship between the nutrient regime of the soil, which is formed at the same time, and the grain yield of the crop in order to optimize the conditions for its growth and development. Methods. Field experiment to study the influence of the investigated factors; agrochemical analysis for quantitative determination of the nutrients content; statistical methods for substantiating the significance of the obtained results and determining the correlation between nutrients and the yield of grain. Results. On average, for 2021–2023, depending on the dose of mineral fertilizers an improvement in the nutritional regime of the soil was established. The highest content of easily hydrolyzable nitrogen compounds 19.8-14.5 mg/kg of soil during the period of budding-full-ripeness was found in the variant CaMg(CO3)2 (1.0 Hh) + N150Р50К125 (normat. grain and straw) + MD. The content of available phosphorus in the variant CaMg(CO3)2 (1.5 Hh) + N120P60K90 (recommended dose) + MD ranged from 16.6 to 16.8 mg/kg of soil, which predominated over the data obtained in the variant of similar mineral nutrition of the crop N120P60K90 (recommended dose) + MD against the background of 1.0 t/ha dose of CaMg(CO3)2. Due to the influx of the plant residual of predecessor into the soil in the variant of 1,0 dose of CaMg(CO3)2 + N130 (norm. dose for grain) + MD, the increase of available potassium compared to the control ranged from 8.2 to 7.4 mg/kg of soil. In a variant, N150P50K125 (norm. dose for grain and straw), the potassium content in the soil exceeded the control indicator by 22 mg/kg of soil. In this variant, the highest changes in potassium content in the arable layer during the interphase periods of crop vegetation were obtained. Conclusions. The recommended dose of mineral fertilizers N120P60K90 did not have a significant impact on the accumulation of elements in the soil compared to the calculated doses of N150P50K125 (norm. for grain and straw) and N130P25K35 (norm. for grain) under other identical conditions in the variants. Statistical analysis of the winter wheat grain yield (y; t/ha) for 2021–2023 in the variants based on the nutrient element content (x; mg/kg) in the 0–20 cm layer of sod-podzolic soil was shown. The direct linear dependence between the content of easy hydrolyzable nitrogen compounds (R2 = 0.96) and available potassium compounds (R2 = 0.90) during the tillering phase of the spring vegetative period, confirms the necessity of ensuring an adequate level of crop nutrition, especially with available nitrogen and potassium compounds.


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