Keywords: agriculture, vegetable growing, implementation, efficiency, production, agro-climatic zones.


Рurpose of the research is to analyze the current state of the vegetable growing industry, to make a forecast of the further development of the industry in Ukraine. Мethods. The article uses a set of general scientific methods and approaches of empirical and theoretical knowledge: abstract-logical, systemic approach, statistical, monographic, modeling, complex analysis, generalization. Results. The article analyzes the current state of vegetable production in Ukraine, identifies the main problems of its development in modern conditions. On the basis of research, the state of the industry was analyzed, a forecast was made for the development of vegetable growing in Ukraine, and the results of research on the development and improvement of zonally adapted technologies for growing vegetable and fruit products were given. The feasibility of using the proposed innovations was established, their attractiveness and effectiveness for specific production conditions were determined in order to increase scientific and technical progress in the agricultural sector. It was established that the implementation of zonally adapted solutions in vegetable production will allow solving the issue of economic independence of individual regions, food security of communities, and increasing the level of coordination systems of actions of management bodies, business entities, scientists and investors on the basis of sustainable development in conditions of military aggression or post-war recovery of the country. Conclusions. The implementation of scientific zonally adapted solutions in vegetable production will allow to solve the issue of economic independence of individual regions, food security of communities, increase the level of coordination of the system of actions of management bodies, economic entities, scientists and investors on the basis of sustainable development in conditions of military aggression or post-war recovery of the country. The socioeconomic significance of the development lies in the fact that it will create a basis for the effective formation and functioning of the vegetable growing industry, its sustainable development, improvement and strengthening of the self-sufficiency of regional vegetable markets, it can be used in the work of state authorities of various levels, enterprises of various spheres and forms of ownership in vegetable growing industry. The task of sustainable development and innovation and investment support will solve the problem of ensuring the health of the nation and food and national security, reducing its import dependence and strengthening the European integration policy of Ukraine, and acting as a guarantor of the country's food security and preserving the health of future generations in a dangerous time of war.


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