Keywords: maturity group, plant density, two-factor experiment, productivity, productivity, correlation.


The purpose study of the response of genotypes of lines – parental components of corn hybrids to different plant density and correlation-regression dependence between morphological traits and seed yield. Methods. Two-factor field experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. It was established that the genotype of the parent line of corn had the greatest significant effect on the mass of 1000 seeds. All lines – parental components showed the maximum weight of 1000 grains at a density of 70 thousand plants / ha (on average 168.9 g), which can be considered optimal. An increase in the density of sowing to 80, 90, and 100,000 plants/ha caused a decrease in the indicators of the investigated trait. Mid-early lines showed a negative relationship between productivity and weight of 1000 seeds, mid-mature lines showed a close positive correlation. The maturity group of the parent forms of corn influenced the height of the plants at different stages of their growth and development. The medium-ripening line OР-26A (FAO 240) had the minimum height – on average, according to the experiment, 173.5 cm, and the medium-ripening lines OР-32A, AB-30B (FAO 320) had the maximum plant height – on average, 189.6 and 190.2 cm respectively. Plant height increased with increasing plant density, although the dependences of plant height of corn lines and seed yield were mostly curvilinear in nature. For each line, there was an individual optimum plant height that ensured the highest level of seed yield. and is the result of the genotype-environment response to agrotechnical measures. The height of the attachment of the upper (productive) cob varied within quite wide limits – from 66.8 to 97.5 cm. It was the highest in the medium-ripe line AB-30B (FAO 320) (on average at the level of 95.3 cm), and the lowest – in the mid-early line ОР–26А (66.8 cm on average). Parental components reacted differently to the density of plants, the optimal feeding area should be set individually for each genotype. The highest seed yield of 4.46 t/ha was formed in the AB-30B line (FAO 320), which is due to the increased duration of the vegetation period and optimized technology. Conclusions. There is a specific response of the lines to the density of the cenosis. For each parental form, there is an optimum plant density, which must be taken into account in the hybridization areas to obtain the maximum seed yield. 


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