Keywords: grapes, variety, climatic conditions, growing season, productivity.


The scientific article analyzes the results of continuous phenological observations of the development of grapes, carried out on two technical grape varieties Cabernet Sauvignon and Riesling Magachara in the climatic and soil conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine during 2020–2022. The research summarizes the results using general scientific methods based on objectivity, evidence, reproducibility, as well as mathematical and statistical methods of processing experimental data. The comparative characteristics of technical varieties regarding the characteristics of plant growth and development, the level of resistance to drought, frost, adverse winter conditions, yield and quality of berries are presented. The importance of agroclimatic and phenological observations for the cultivation of heat-loving non-cover crops is determined. Based on long-term observations, the influence of weather types and microclimate features on the development of grapes is shown. The duration of the growing season of the Cabernet Sauvignon variety and the Riesling Magaracha variety was from 130 to 140 days with the sum of active temperatures within 1272 °С. The consequences of climate change, along with future projections, have posed serious challenges to viticulture and winemaking in general. The researched varieties in the conditions of Khmelnytskyi region are adaptable and capable of forming stable productivity of bushes and high yield: Riesling Magaracha variety – 5.1 t/ha and Cabernet Sauvignon – 2.7 t/ha with bunch weight from 8 to 11 kg. The fruitfulness of the shoots had a significant difference by varieties, in particular, the actual yield was 85% of the possible at the fruit-bearing age. The plants had a very high percentage of fruiting shoots (80%), and a very high fruiting ratio (K1–1.4). The possibility of successful cultivation of grapes has been proven, due to the importance of agroclimatic and phenological observations for the cultivation of heat-loving crops. In order to increase yield and quality, it is recommended to spray bushes at the rate of 250 ml/bush, 550 l/ha in 3 periods: 2–3 days before flowering, in the phase of berry growth and at the beginning of berry ripening. It has been established that in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine, we suggest testing the investigated technical varieties for winter hardiness under non-cover crops.


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