Keywords: inoculation, tillage, number of nodules, mass of nodules, active symbiotic potential, biologically fixed nitrogen.


The purpose of our research was to study the impact of weed control measures and seed inoculation on the formation of the symbiotic apparatus of soybeans under organic cultivation. Methods. Field, analytical and statistical. The research was conducted in 2020–2022 in the conditions of the Scientific and Production Center of the Bilа Tserkva National Agrarian University according to the following scheme: Factor A. Soybean varieties. 1. Taurus; 2. ES Tenor; 3. Sigalia. Factor B. Weed control measures. 1. without conducting (control); 2. inter-row processing; 3. uprooting of soybean plants in the cotyledon phase; 4. uprooting of soybean plants in the phase of the 1-st true leaf. Factor B. Seed inoculation. 1. without inoculation (control); 2. Legum Fix; 3. Bioinoculant BTU-t; 4. Biomag soybean. The technology of growing soybeans in the experiment corresponded to the basic principles of organic production. Results. The indicators of the number and mass of soybean nodules reached their maximum values in the flowering phase and decreased in the bean filling phase. During the pre-sowing inoculation of soybean seeds with Legum Fix, the number of nodules on the plant increased by 36.5–40.2% and their weight by 32.2–35.1%, Bioinoculant BTU-t – by 31.3–34.2% and 27.4–31.2%, Biomag soybean – by 33.6–36.1% and 30.6–32.7%, compared to the control. The highest number of nodules on a plant is 59, 62 and 67 pcs. and their mass of 1.27, 1.34 and 1.40 g was formed in the flowering phase on the variant with the application of uprooting soybean plants in the phase of the 1-st true leaf and inoculation of seeds with the Legum Fix, respectively the Taurus, ES Tenor and Sigalia varieties. Conclusions. It was established that the increase in the number and the mass of nodules in the investigated soybean varieties occurred under the influence of seed inoculation, and the effect of measures to control the number of weeds was insignificant. Under the influence of seed inoculation, the active symbiotic potential increased in the Taurus by 36.8–43.3%, the ES Tenor by 32.4–43.7%, and the Sigalia by 27.5–40.4%, compared to the control. The use of the inoculant Legum Fix ensured the production of biologically fixed nitrogen in the range of 101.6–110.6 kg/ha, Bioinoculant BTU-t – 95.5–107.1 kg/ha and Biomag soybean – 98.7–109.2 kg/ha. The highest indicators of active symbiotic potential (ASP) and the amount of biologically fixed nitrogen were obtained in the variety Sigalia – 16.4–23.4 thousand kg×day/ha and 76.4–113.4 kg/ha.


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