Keywords: innovation, sustainable development, strategies, efficiency, resources, social and ethical aspects


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to understand the impact of digital technologies on the economy, to find out the opportunities that globalization provides to expand access to digital technologies and improve the lives of people around the world, as well as to determine ways to ensure equal conditions and distribution of resources for all countries in the global economy. The study aims to identify problems, challenges and opportunities related to the management of digital transformations, as well as to develop recommendations and strategies for countries and organizations in order to achieve sustainable development and ensure successful integration into the global economy. The results. The key factors of the influence of globalization on the process of digital transformation of the economy are determined; justified promotion of the development of digital technologies for the integration of the economy into the global sphere; the challenges and obstacles associated with the management of digital transformations in the conditions of globalization are characterized; the influence of digital innovations on the competitiveness of countries on a global scale is revealed; studied the impact of managing digital transformations on global challenges such as climate change or inequality; sound strategies to ensure effective management of digital transformations in the conditions of globalization; social and ethical aspects related to digital transformation in a global context are revealed; a description of the impact of the implementation of digital transformations on the distribution of resources and the creation of equal conditions for all countries in the global economy is given. Conclusions. Managing digital transformations of the economy in the context of globalization requires a holistic approach, taking into account social, economic and ethical aspects. This will ensure sustainable and fair development, reduce inequalities and create equal conditions for all countries in the global economic space.


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