Goal. The purpose of the research was to determine the expediency of the complex use of phytohormones and microfertilizers in agricultural production. Methods. The methodological basis of the research was the methods of comparison, structural-systemic analysis, synthesis, structural-logical generalization. Results. Global climate changes, soil degradation under conditions of intensification of agriculture contribute to search of alternative technologies for agricultural crop production. In order to boost productivity, improve crop quality, increase crop resistance to ecological factors of the environment, plant growth regulators, phytohormones, stimulators, inhibitors and vitamins are used. Gibberellins which are not stable and quickly degrade in acid and alkaline environments, belong to phytohormones of biological origin with a high level of stimulation of biochemical processes in plants. An increase in growth processes of agricultural crops occurs under optimal doses of gibberellins to 1 g/l. High doses of exogenous phytohormones cause etiolation, suppress plant growth and lead to stem damage. It was found that under unfavorable, extreme weather conditions, negative effects of ecological stress factors, exogenous treatment of agricultural crops with phytohormones is not reasonable. It makes scientists suggest complex application of micro-fertilizers and physiological growth-regulating substances improving social-economic efficiency of agricultural production and reducing anthropogenic loads on soils. Findings. It was established that poly-functional preparations Hros Korenrist, Hros Kwitselium, Amino Iks due to synergetic effects of phytohormones and microelements contribute to an increase in grain crop productivity to 30 % and industrial crop productivity – up to 16 %. Agricultural crop treatment with polyfunctional preparations must be performed taking into consideration plant physiology, growth and development stages of agricultural crops which are mostly dependent on nutrient content. Practical significance of micro-elements and phytohormones rises during the period of decreased soil moisture and nutrient deficiency in plants. Environmentally-friendly technologies for growing agricultural crops applying preparations with complex effect will contribute to an increase in productivity of agrocenosis, a reduction in anthropogenic load on the environment and a decrease in expenses of energy resources.
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