Keywords: F1 hybrid, evaluation, regrowth, spear, dynamics, mulching, agrofiber, phenology.


Aim – to investigate the influence of asparagus genotypes and growing methods (under tunnel-type shelters made of agrofiber and mulching the soil with straw of cereal crops) on the growth dynamics of green asparagus for the development of a long-term conveyor for the production of fresh products. Methods. visual – is for conducting phenological research; statistical – is for objective evaluation of experimental data; estimated – is for the installation of effective packaging materials. Results. The existence of different niches in the production of Asparagus officinalis L. indicates the need to use a wide range of elements of its production technology with the selection of genotypes adapted to growing conditions, and various methods of regulating its growth and development. In order to develop a stable conveyor for the production of green asparagus, the growth dynamics of 23 asparagus hybrids were evaluated on an ecological trials in continental climate conditions. Regulation of terms of production receipt was carried out by growing zoned F1 hybrids of different growth periods under mulching of plantings with straw of cereal crops and covering them with agrofibre. According to the results of three-year phenological observations, early, middle and late hybrids were selected, the difference between their growth periods in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine is 7‑10 days. Conclusions. It was established that due to the selection of varieties with different growth periods, the duration of the conveyor for the receipt of green asparagus is 11 weeks at moderate and 9 weeks at high average daily temperatures during the harvest season. Covering plants of early hybrids with agrofiber and mulching the soil of late hybrids with straw of cereal crops allows you to extend the season of harvesting fresh green asparagus from 20‑25 days.


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