Keywords: varieties of barley, winter type, alternative type, biological mass, content of elements, correlations.


The purpose of the research is to determine the influence of multifunctional drugs on the supply of nutrients to winter barley varieties of different sowing dates under irrigation conditions, to establish paired correlation coefficients, and to develop grain yield models. Methods. The research was carried out at the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences in accordance with methodological recommendations developed for irrigation conditions. Field studies were conducted in stationary irrigated crop rotation. Research results. It was found that at the initial stages of ontogenesis there is a greater accumulation of nutrients in the biological mass of plants and a stable decrease in their concentration over time in the process of increasing the mass of vegetative organs. In the phase of full maturity, the nitrogen content decreased by 2.1 and 2.3 times, phosphorus by 1.2 and 1.3 times, and potassium by 7.1 and 7.8 times. The ratio between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the biological mass of barley plants changed from 3.1/1.0/2.8 in the tillering phase to 2.0/1.0/7.9 at full maturity. Treatment of seeds with the preparations Gumifield Forte brix, MIR, PROLIS increased the nitrogen content in plants during the tillering phase. It was established that the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in the biological mass of winter barley plants has a direct correlation with grain yield. Higher values of the correlation coefficient with nitrogen were noted at the initial and final stages of ontogenesis. Mathematical models have been developed that allow predicting the yield of winter barley of the Akademichnyi and Dev'iatyi val varieties based on the nitrogen content in the biological mass during the tillering phase and the duration of the autumn vegetation. The typical winter variety Akademichnyi and the variety of the alternative type Dev'iatyi val are well adapted to zonal growing conditions and provide high productivity when sowing from October 1 to 20. The use of Gumifield Forte brix, MIR and PROLIS preparations during crop cultivation affects the consumption of nutrients, which is one of the mechanisms of positive influence on grain yield.


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