Niche cultures – new opportunities for the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine

Keywords: niche crops, mung bean, guar, variety, guar gum


Purpose. Generalize information about the features of guar and mung plants, their genetic resources stored in world collections, the economic value of products and the prospects for growing these non-traditional for Ukraine crops in the southern regions. Materials and research methods – research materials were scientific papers on the peculiarities of growth and development, cultivation, current and future resource opportunities for the selection of guar and mash in Ukraine and the world. Methods: quantitative and qualitative comparison, abstract-logical, analytical. Results. In 2020–2021, the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS studied samples of the collection of a new niche culture – guar, sent from the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine. As a result of a two-year study of the vegetation period of the obtained samples, it was found that the shortest, 124.5–125.0 days, were characterized by IU074659 Maharandi, IU074660 Sheetal, IU074657 Ankur. Not all beans formed on the plant were ripe in samples IU07466 Haldi bhati with a growing season of 133 days and in IU074658 Pusa Naubahar, 129.5 days, but they formed the maximum yield. The largest number of seeds per plant was in IU074661 Haldi bhati – 329 pieces and in IU07465 Pusa Naubahar – 262.5 pieces. The same samples formed the best yields: IU07465 Pusa Naubahar, 315 g/m2 and IU074661 Haldi bhati, 334 g/m2. The height of plants in the studied samples was in the range of 43.2 – 69.5 cm (IU074661 Haldi bhati, IU074663 Tindal – IU074659 Maharandi, respectively), and the height of bean attachment ranged from 3.0 to 4.2 cm (IU074657 Ankur – IU074658 Pusa Naubahar, respectively), which corresponds to a gradation of “very small”. Conclusions. Selection work, creation and cultivation of domestic varieties of guar and mahogany is necessary for Ukraine to use these crops in the food, cosmetics, oil and gas industries, which will reduce imports and save significant foreign exchange resources.


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