Modern adaptive systems of basic tillage for winter wheat

Keywords: efficiency, productivity, fertilizer, organomineral fertilizer


The results of research on the impact of systems ofbasic tillage and fertilizers on the yield and economicefficiency of winter wheat production in the Forest-Steppezone of Ukraine to identify the most effective, adapted tonatural and climatic conditions in recent years.The research was conducted during 2018–2021 ina stationary two-factor field experiment, which includes4 alternative systems of basic tillage (shelf, flat, chisel,disk) and two fertilizer systems, including mineral(background 1: N60P60K60) and organo-mineral (background2: predecessor straw + N10/t of straw + N30Р30К30) in shortrotation4-field crop rotation with the following crop rotation: soybean, spring barley, white mustard, winter wheat.Soil – chernozem podzolic, medium loam. The contentof humus – 2,62–3,12%, total nitrogen – 0,150–0,163%,mobile phosphorus and potassium – 125,0–196,1 and65,0–72,0 mg per 1 kg of soil, respectively; pH (salt) –6,0–6,5. Location of plots – systematic. The estimatedarea of the site is 40 m2, the repetition of the experimentis four times.The highest yield of winter wheat (5,75 t/ha) wasprovided by the flat-cut system of basic tillage against thebackground of organo-mineral fertilizer, which amountedto 0,12 t/ha (2%) increase to control (shelf system) and0,42 t/ha (8%) to similar on the background of mineralfertilizers. In general, against the background of organomineralfertilizer for all systems received an increase incrop yield to the background of mineral fertilizer 4–8%.According to the indicators of economic efficiency andyield of winter wheat flat-cut system of basic cultivation of22–25 cm on the background of organo-mineral fertilizerwith the predecessor straw + N10/t of straw and mineralfertilizer at a dose of N30Р30К30 can be considered promisingand most adapted to weather conditions are formed inrecent years. The closest to it are the chisel and shelfsystems under the mentioned conditions.


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