Inheritance of ear length by winter wheat hybrids of different ecological and genetic origin under irrigation conditions

Keywords: varieties, hybrids, wheat, irrigation, selection, yield, ear length, precocity


Purpose. To establish the nature of the inheritance of the trait “ear length of plants”, the duration of the period of “flowering – maturity” in hybrids of winter wheat, created with the involvement of late-maturing specimens of Western European ecotype. Establish correlations of these indicators with grain yield of selected families. Methods. Field research was conducted at the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS in 2016–2021. The object of research were modern varieties of winter wheat of the Institute, collection samples of Western European ecotype, which were introduced from France and hybrids created with their participation. Varieties and hybrids were sown under irrigation by the scheme “maternal form, paternal, hybrid”. Methods – field, laboratory, breeding and genetic, statistical. Results. The results of research on the inheritance of ear length by winter wheat hybrids, created with the participation of contrasting varieties of ecological and genetic origin, are presented. The determination of ear length by F1 and F2 plants of soft winter wheat, created with the participation of different ecotypes, was of different nature. Interbreeding and partial dominance of the trait were mostly observed during the crossing of alternative parental forms. Analysis of the variability of individual morphological, economic and vegetative traits in each hybrid population, created with the participation of contrasting parental forms, may be certain specific optimums of quantitative traits responsible for the formation of grain yields of future varieties of soft winter wheat. When selecting for high grain yield, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of optimal traits determined by selections, starting with F2, followed by correlation analysis in breeding nurseries. Correlation of ear length with grain yield of selection lines ranged from –0.145 to 0.358 depending on the combination of crossing. Selections for yield by ear length and duration of the reproductive phase of development should be carried out taking into account correlations with the duration of the reproductive phase of development and ear density. Evaluation of selected families by ear length, timing of development phases and grain yield in breeding nurseries allowed to determine the level of relationships of individual traits and determine the most important markers for selection and adjustment of the variety model. Conclusions. In hybrid populations of different origins, the selection of the length of the ear can lead to both increased yield and decrease. The definition of selection and marker traits needs to be adjusted for the genotypic origin of the hybrid population, which was created using late-maturing components of Western European origin. When selecting the length of the ear, it is necessary to take into account the density of the ear. In most hybrid populations there was a positive, weak relationship between the extension of the duration of formation and filling of grain with grain yield, which suggests the prospects of selection to extend the duration of vegetation under irrigation. For each hybrid population, created with the participation of contrasting in the duration of the growing season parent components, it is necessary to develop a specific selection plan taking into account the intrapopulation correlations of marker and performance traits.


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