Interdependence of Winter Wheat Grain Yield with Plant Height in the Conditions of Southern Ukraine

Keywords: treatment with bacterial preparations, precursor, mineral fertilizer doses, correlation and regression dependence, foliar top dressing


The goal was to establish the relationship between the yield of winter wheat grain and the height of plants when grown in the south of Ukraine. Methods. Experimental studies were conducted during 2016–2019 yrs in the experimental field of the Mykolaiv NAU. The object of research was winter wheat. The technology of their cultivation, with the exception of the studied factors, was generally accepted to the existing zonal recommendations for the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The area of the sown area was 50 m2, the accounting area was 26 m2, the repetition was 4-time, the placement of plots was consistent. It was predicted the following gradation of factors and their variants, such as predecessors (A) – black fallow, legumes (peas), cruciferous (spring mustard); doses of mineral fertilizers (B) – without basic fertilizer application, application of (NPK) 32 kg.D. R. / ha, application of (NPK) 64 kg.D. R./ha; bacterial preparations (C) – control, Biocomplex-BTU-R, Organic Balance. Results. Our research established that both in some years of cultivation and on average over the years of research, the yield of winter wheat grain was higher when placed on Black fallow. After peas or white mustard, when it was grown without the use of mineral fertilizers, but when treated with biologics, the yield was on average by 3.9–8.6%, and with their application at a dose of (NPK) 64 it was lower by 16.0–17.6% relative to black fallow. The polynomial correlation and regression relationships were calculated between plant height and winter wheat grain yield as they indicated that there was a very strong relationship between these indicators when the winter wheat was grown and treated with biologics. Conclusions. Studies established that there was a very strong correlation and regression relationship between plant height and winter wheat grain yield. The yield of winter wheat grain largely depended and changed under the influence of weather conditions of the growing season, the supply of plants with nutrients and foliar top dressing with bacterial preparations. As for studied the bacterial preparations the largest increase in yield was provided by top dressing with the bacterial preparation Organic Balance, and the lowest increase was provided by Biocomplex-BTU-R.


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