Decrease of plant affection by diseases under fungal mycorrhization and symbiosis of their root system with nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Keywords: plants, helminthosporium, brown rust, blister rust, root rots, occurrence, diseases, mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, affection


Purpose. Reveal the effect of mycorrhizationand nitrogen fixation of the root system of crops onthe decrease of their affection by the most commondiseases. Methods. Field, laboratory, and statistical.Results. According to the results of research, it wasfound that the mycorrhization of the crop root systemsignificantly reduces their affection by the most commondiseases. In particular, application of mycorrhizal fungiTrichoderma harzianum RIFAI, Tuber melanosporumVittad., and nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bacillus subtilis Cohn.,containing in biological products Mycofriend, Mikovital,and Florobacillin, respectively, have shown positive resultsin the decrease of the affection of soft winter wheat and maizeby dangerous diseases such as root rots, powdery mildew,brown rust, blister smut, helminthosporium, etc. Thus, in the treatments with Mycofriend, Mikovital, and Florobacillin,the occurrence of diseases in soft winter wheat and maizewas 4.4–21.3% less than in control and development3.0–13.8% less than in control. Particularly noticeablewas the decrease of winter wheat and maize affectionby rust and helminthosporium, which in the treatmentswith mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria was 15.2–21.3%less in terms of occurrence and 8.6–13.8% less in termsof development, compared to the control. Conclusions.The main reason for the decrease of affection of cropsby diseases under mycorrhization of their root system istheir ability to withstand the infection by pathogens dueto increased vital functions through improving provisionwith nutrients and moisture and more intensive processof photosynthesis, than in the control.


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