Features of inheritance of grain mass from the main ear and hybridization of different precocious varieties of soft winter wheat

Keywords: crossbreeding combinations, hybrids, parental forms, degree of phenotypic dominance, hypothetical and true heterosis


The aim of the research – establishing the features of inheritance of grain mass from the main ear in firstgeneration hybrids, collected from hybridization of different precocious varieties of soft winter wheat. Methods. In the experimental field of the research and production center of Bila Tserkva NAU in 2018 – 2020, 45 combinations that were obtained from crossing earlymaturing varieties were studied: Myr. early, Kolchuga, B. TS. n/k.; middle-early: Zolot., Chornyava, Shched. n.; mediumripe: Stol., Vidrada, Myr. 61, Anton., Yednist; middle-late: Dobirna, Pyvna and Vdala. Seeds F1 and parental forms were sown according to the scheme ♀–F1–♂. Biometric analysis of the test material was performed on an average sample of 25 plants in triplicate. Statistical processing of the obtained biometric data was carried out according to the method of B.A. Dospekhov (1985). Hypothetical and true heterosis by grain weight from the main ear in F1 was determined by за Matzinger D. F. (1962), S. Fonseca, F. Patterson (1968). The degree of phenotypic dominance was determined by B. Griffing (1950), and the obtained data were classified by G. M. Beil, R. E. Atkins (1965). Results. During three years positive hypothetical heterosis defined in 27, and true in 18 from 45 crossbreeding combinations. Consistently high hypothetical and true heterosis were characterized: Vdala / Pyvna; Yednist / Vidrada; Zolot. / Vidrada; Zolot. / Stol.; Vdala / Stol.; Zolot. / Shched. n.; B.TS. n/k. / Vidrada. Exept Zolot. / Shched. n. and B.TS. n/k./ Vidrada, all other hybrids exceeded the average of research indicator of grain weight from the main ear. Conclusions. The research found that the mass of grain from the main ear of soft winter wheats is a genetically determined trait that is affected by year conditions and is realized by the interaction of "genotype-conditions of the year". The significant influence of parental components of hybridization and conditions of the year on the formation of grain mass of the main ear, indicators of heterosis and the degree of phenotypic dominance in first-generation hybrids was revealed. The most common type of inheritance of grain weight from the main ear in F1 soft winter wheat has a positive over-dominance, which is determined in 82.5% of hybrids. Selected combinations: Vdala / Pyvna, Zolot. / Stol., Kolchuga / Stol., Vdala / Stol., Zolot. / Vidrada, Yednist / Vidrada, Anton. / Stol., Myr. early / Yednist with positive overdominance in which on average in 2018-2020 formed a high productivity of the ear – 2.66-3.11 g.


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