Morphological parameters of maize hybrids of different FAO groups depending on the elements of technology under irrigation conditions
Purpose. Establishment of morphological indicators and grain yield of innovative domestic maize hybrids of different FAO groups, at different plant densities and treatment with biological products on drip irrigation in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The index of the ratio of the height of attachment of the cob to the height of the plant of maize hybrids depending on the plant density and the action of biological preparations was determined. Methods. Establishment of field experiment, measuring and calculation – to measure the height of the plant, the height of the fork, yield accounting, mathematical and statistical – to determine the leaf index, correlations. Results. It was investigated that the height of plants significantly depended on the treatment of maize hybrids with biological products. The maximum value of plant height was obtained by treatment with biological products: for example, on average over three years, the height of plants by treatment Helafit combi was 265.6 cm, by treatment Biogel – 264.1 cm, the increase in height to the control variant was 2.9 cm and 1.4 cm, respectively. Crop density leads to an increase in the linear height of the plant, the maximum plant height of maize hybrids was observed at a density of 90 thousand plants/ha. Treatment with biologicals affected the height of attachment of the upper (productive) cob: in the control version – 111.4 cm, Bio-gel increased the height of attachment of the cob by 0.8 cm or 0.7%, Helafit combi by 1.5 cm or 1, 3%. The ratio of the height of attachment of the cob to the height of the plant is a genetically determined trait that identifies well the samples of corn and can be used to compile a description and characteristics of the new material. It was found that mid-late hybrids react negatively to crop density. Mid-late hybrids form the maximum yield at a density of 70 thousand plants/ha – 17.20– 17.31 t/ha and sharply reduce the yield at crop density to 15.26–15.52 t/ha. Medium-ripe hybrids form the maximum yield at a density of 80 thousand plants/ha – 12.47 t/ha. Early-maturing hybrids produce maximum yield at a density of 90 thousand plants/ha – 11.36 t/ha. Conclusions. The growth processes of corn plants are very important in terms of the formation of aboveground mass and maximum productivity. The architecture of corn plants is a factorial sign of potential productivity, as well as an informative basis for determining the effect of individual elements of technology. The most effective among biological products proved to be the drug – Helafit combi: early-maturing hybrid Steppe showed the highest grain yield when using Helafit combi – 11.53 t/ha, yield increase to control – 1.04 t/ha or 9.9%. The medium-ripe Kakhovsky hybrid showed a yield with the use of the drug Helafit combi – 12.77 t/ha, an increase in yield of 1.14 t/ha or 9.8%. Medium-ripe hybrid Chongar showed a yield using the drug Helafit combi 16.71 t/ha, a yield increase of 0.44 t/ha or 2.63%. Medium-ripe hybrid Arabat showed a yield using the drug Helafit combi 16.91 t/ha, yield increase – 0.73 t/ha or 4.31%.
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