Current state of the world methodological approaches to determination of granulometric composition

Keywords: classification, laser diffractometry, organoleptic methods, diameter of sieve holes, sample preparation, sedimentation, fraction


The article reviews the world literature on methodological approaches in determining the granulometric composition of soil by different methods, both classical and modern – laser diffraction method (LDM). Analyzing the publications related to the determination of granulometric composition, it can be noted that the application of different methods and soil texture classifications has led to differences in the use of sieving (sieves with different hole diameters) and differences in fractional boundaries in sedimentation methods (aerometric and pipetting). Organoleptic methods used in Ukraine (dry and wet), although similar in implementation to those proposed by FAO for field conditions, but use different classifications. As for the method of laser diffraction, the preparation of samples for analysis is based on classical methods, using them as a reference, and therefore sample preparation is done similarly, using the same reagents and methods for removing organic matter, carbonates, soluble salts, and similar sample disaggregation. The effect of sample preparation for analysis on the results of particle size distribution is determined by using a laser diffractometer at the same instrument settings. Differences in the structure of instruments and applied optical or detector systems lead to different data with the same preparation of samples for analysis. Comparison of the data obtained by classical methods with the data of the laser-diffraction method indicates the need for further research in using, because so far the data are different and have to be correlated. This does not prevent using LDM while determining soil texture by different classifications. Therefore, the laser diffraction method can be used in the future to adapt the data of Kachinsky method to international classifications, which will help work with FAO on the impact of climate change and desertification on the soil.


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