Yield of artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus (L.) Fiori) depending on plant density

Keywords: artichoke, plant density, mathematical model, polynomial, yield


Purpose. Study and analysis of world experiencein artichoke cultivation at different plant densitiesand the impact of the latter on its productivity. Developmentof a mathematical polynomial model of the crop productivitydepending on its thickening.Methods. Synthetic-analytical method for generalizationof research data obtained in various studies on artichokecultivation technology, mathematical analysis by polynomialregression (polynomial of the second degree) to develop a model of the crop productivity depending on the plantdensity. Graphical approximation of the model by plottinga polynomial of the second degree and building a parabolaof the crop productivity.Results. The developed polynomial model of artichokeproductivity depending on the plant density expressed as"Yield=4.8872+0.0017×Density–3.0162×10-8×Density2"provides sufficient prognostic efficiency (the valueof the mean absolute percentage error of the modelMAPE is 24.59%) and fit quality. Analysis of the resultsof mathematical modeling suggests the need to studythe agrotechnology of artichoke at the densities from 10 to35 thousand/ha. The least promising are artichoke plantdensities in the ranges of 5-10 and more than 35 thousand/ha, which are accompanied by a decrease in the cropproductivity according to the approximation curve.Conclusions. The results of the study indicate thatthe optimal density of artichoke plants depends on growingconditions, however, there is a clear trend to an increase inthe crop yields under conditions of thickening. Mathematicalmodeling has shown that the modal values of the populationof artichoke plants per 1 ha are within10-15 thousand/ha,while the most promising in terms of the crop productivityshould be density values from 20 to 35 thousand/hadepending on agro-climatic conditions and morphobiologicalfeatures of certain variety.


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