Peculiarities of grain filling and determination of type of agroecological affiliation of rice varieties

Keywords: rice, variety, grain filling, agroecological affiliation


The purpose of research. To determine the features of grain filling of new rice varieties taking into account the weather and climatic conditions of the rice sowing zone of Ukraine and to determine the type of their agroecological affiliation. Results. It was found that in the cultivar Debut the accumulation of dry matter in grain practically stopped at the beginning of wax ripeness, and grain filling took place in the phase of milk ripeness and practically stopped at the beginning of the wax ripeness phase. part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, as well as suitable for late sowing. In Ontario, Corsar, Fagot and Vikont varieties, the accumulation of dry matter in the grain continued until the middle of the wax ripeness, and the most active grain filling took place in the milk ripeness phase and the first half of the wax ripeness phase and almost stops at the beginning of the second half of the wax ripeness phase. suitable for cultivation in the central and southern part of the Steppe of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and need sowing in the optimal sowing period for this zone – from 1 to 10 May. In Marshal and Lazurit varieties, the accumulation of dry matter in the grain continued almost until the end of wax ripeness. It should be noted that the processes of grain filling took place evenly throughout the period of grain filling, which indicates a slow process of accumulation of nutrients. Thus, the varieties Marshal and Lazurit poured grain actively passed in the period from the phase of milk ripeness to the end of the phase of wax ripeness, so they are suitable for growing in the southern part of the steppe of Ukraine and Crimea, and require earlier sowing dates. But it should be noted that the variety Lazurit has a shorter growing season, so it is more malleable before sowing. Conclusions. Marshal and Lazurite rice varieties belong to the Southern type, suitable for cultivation in the South of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and require early sowing dates; Ontario, Corsar, Fagot and Vikont rice varieties are of moderate type, suitable for cultivation in the Central and Southern zone of the Steppe of Ukraine and require sowing in the optimal sowing dates for this zone – from 1 to 10 May; Debut and Consul varieties belong to the Northern type, suitable for sowing in the Northern Steppe and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine and require late sowing dates.


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