Changes of the forestameliorative component of erosion preventive measures on the example of the field with the contour-ameliorative organization of the territory

Keywords: forest ameliorative measures, functional state, run-off, erosion


Purpose. Determination of functional changes of forest ameliorative component of erosion preventive measures on the example of five forest shelterbelts located on the slope area with contour-ameliorative organization of the territory in conditions of Northern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Comparative and retrospective for processing different-time space images of the research area to identify changes in the structure of forest ameliorative measures in the regional landscape of the Northern Steppe. Topographic maps M 1:10 000 were used as a cartographic basis, and their further processing and interpretation was performed using GIS programs such as ARC-GIS®, QGIS®. According to the results of data processing, it was planned to determine the areas of forest shelterbelts with damaged and functionally missing part. The estimation method used for determining the condition of tree species in protective plantations according to their vital activity classification for steppe and semi-desert conditions. Results. Changes in the forest ameliorative component of erosion preventive measures in the form of supplementing the vegetation of forest shelterbelts plantations with wild growth of such tree species as – Red ash (Fraxinus Pennsylvanica), Siberian elm (Ulmus Pumila) and Norway maple (Acer Platanoides) have been revealed. Wild growth of shrub species were presented with Tatar maple (Acer Tataricum) and Tatarian honeysuckle (Lonicera Tatarica). A decrease were fixed in the functional part of the upland forest shelterbelt in the upper part of the slope by 82%, and forest shelterbelts in the lower part of the slope by 56 and 59%, respectively. The viability and viability of forest ameliorative measures were assessed according to the average point and the compliance of the project documentation with only two forest shelterbelts located in the middle part of the slope was established. Conclusions. Assessing the changes in the forest ameliorative component of erosion preventive measures on the example of the field area with the contourameliorated organization of the territory, we can say about its insufficient protection from the manifestation of water erosion processes. In order to prevent soil erosion in this area, it is proposed to add or restore existing forest ameliorative measures, to organize additional agrotechnical and organizational-practical against erosion measures.


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