Dependence of modification degree homogeneity of barley malt on influence of foliar fertalization by microfertilizers

Keywords: spring barley, modification, malt, background of nutrition, microfertilizers


Purpose. The aim of the research is to establishthe dependence of the brewing quality of spring barleygrain by the homogeneity degree of malt endospermmodification on the influence of foliar fertilization of plantsduring the growing season with “Wuxal” microfertilizerson different backgrounds of mineral fertilization. Thefollowing methods were used to generalize the resultsof the research and scientific substantiation of the aim:general scientific (to determine the direction of research,planning and bookmarking the experiment); special(laboratory – to determine biochemical parameters);mathematical and statistical (for processing experimentaldata). Results. The effectiveness of foliar fertalizationinfluence of spring malting barley plants with “Wuxal” microfertilizers during the growing season onthe homogeneity of malt endosperm modification wasestablished. Conclusions. The efficiency of foliarfertalization of spring barley plants with microfertilizersdepended on the technological scheme of application,namely on the number of receptions of the conductedagricultural event at the corresponding phenophasesof development. When growing barley on the backgroundof mineral nutrition N30P45K45, the best variants wereA6 – two-times application of microfertilizers “Wuxal Grain”(1,5 l/ha) during stem elongation and “Wuxal Grain” (1,5 l/ha) at the beginning of flowering and A7 – three-times foliarnutrition of plants with microfertilizers “Wuxal Р Max”(1,5 l/ha) during tillering, “Wuxal Grain” (1,5 l/ha) during stemelongation and “Wuxal Grain” (1,5 l/ha) at the beginningof flowering, where the largest values of homogeneitydegree of malt endosperm modification – 77,3 and 79,0%,respectively. Against the background of mineral nutritionN60P90K90, the best variant was A7 – three-times foliarnutrition of plants with microfertilizers “Wuxal Р Max”(2,0 l/ha) during tillering, “Wuxal Grain” (2,0 l/ha) during stemelongation and “Wuxal Grain” (2,0 l/ha) at the beginningof flowering, where the homogeneity of the modificationwas 75,8%.


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