Influence of the use of complementary strains of nodule and phosphate-mobilizing bacteria on alfalfa seed productivity

Keywords: seed inoculation, foliar top dressing, hydrothermal conditions, yield, nitrogen fractional composition, economic and energy efficiency


Purpose. Determination of the effect of alfalfa seedinoculation with a new complementary bacterial preparationEcovital and foliar top dressing with Avangard R Boronboric microfertilizer on the formation of alfalfa seed yield. Methods. Laying of the two–factor field experimentwas carried out by the method of split sections, wherethe first – order sections are inoculation of alfalfa seedswith the microbial preparation Ecovital, and the sub‑plotsare foliar top dressing with Avangard R Boron boricmicrofertilizer. The degree of moisture supply of alfalfaseeds, the lack of moisture supply and the moisturecoefficient were determined by N.N. Ivanov. Determinationof the crop structure was carried out according toM.A. Burnashova, statistical analysis of yield data wascarried out according to V.O. Ushkarenko, R.A. Vozhehova,S.P. Holoborodko, S.V. Kokovikhin. The economicefficiency of growing alfalfa for seeds was calculatedaccording to actual costs, energy efficiency – accordingto O.K. Medvedovsky, P.I. Ivanenko. Results. Whengrowing alfalfa for seeds on dark‑chestnut soil in conditionsof natural moisture, the seed yield of the crop in the controlversion without seed inoculation and the use of boricmicrofertilizers (control 1) did not exceed 125–143 kg/haand in the version with water spraying (control 2) – 126–144 kg/ha. When using boric microfertilizers, the increase inalfalfa seed yield without inoculation with Ecovital comparedto control 1 was significantly higher and amounted to:when sprayed at the beginning of budding – 10.0 kg/ha(8.0%), at the beginning of flowering and mass flowering –11.0 kg/ha (8.8%). According to inoculation of seeds withEcovital and the use of boric microfertilizers AvangardR Boron at the beginning of budding, the yield of alfalfaseeds of the Angelica variety reached 22.0 kg/ha (15.4%),respectively, at the beginning of flowering and massflowering – 23.0 kg/ha (16.1%). Compared to control 2,the increase in alfalfa seed yield without Ecovital inoculationwas: the beginning of budding – 9.0 kg/ha (7.1%);the beginning of flowering and mass flowering – 10.0 kg/ha(7.9%), respectively, with seed inoculation – the beginningof budding – 21.0 kg/ha (14.6%); the beginning of floweringand mass flowering – 22.0 kg/ha. Conclusions. Accordingto the inoculation of seeds with the complementarybacterial preparation Ecovital and the use of boricmicrofertilizers Avangard R Boron, compared with control 1(without inoculation of seeds and top dressing with boricmicrofertilizers) and control 2 (spraying with water) in2019–2020, a significant increase in the yield of alfalfa seedswas obtained, primarily due to the formation of a largermass of vegetative and generative organs of the crop.


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