Soybean yield under different systems of basic tillage and fertilization under irrigation

Keywords: stocking density, nutrient regime, productivity, soybean, tillage, sedation


The article presents the results of experimental studies of formation density, water permeability, soil nutrient regime and soybean productivity by different methods of basic tillage, organo-mineral fertilizer systems, using postharvest residues and greens in crop rotation at irrigation in southern Ukraine. During the experiment, field, quantitativeweight, visual, laboratory, calculation-comparative, mathematical-statistical methods and generally accepted in Ukraine methods and methodical recommendations were used. The research was conducted during 2016–2019 in the research fields of the Askania DSDS IZZ NAAS of Ukraine. Studies have shown that at the beginning of the growing season the lowest density level of 1.23 g/cm3 was observed during chisel cultivation by 28–30 cm, which is greater than the control by 1.6%, and the highest density of 1.29 g/cm3 was obtained at zero cultivation. , which is higher than the control by 3.2%. For plowing by 28–30 cm nitrate content ranged from 38.3 to 40.3 mg/kg of soil. The maximum indicators were the variant of chisel loosening at 28–30 cm 48.0–56.5 mg/kg of soil and zero tillage 46.7–50.1 mg/kg of soil, which is more than the control by 27.4%. The lowest indicators of mobile phosphorus content were formed at zero tillage of 55.2–64.2 at the beginning and 40.6–51.2 mg/kg of soil before harvest. The highest exchangeable potassium was obtained during plowing by 28–30 cm, which ranged from 425.2–565.6 mg/kg of soil at the beginning and 388.4–479.9 mg/kg of soil at the time of harvest, depending on factor B. The main tillage, influencing the stocking density and nutrient regime, created different conditions for the formation of the soybean crop. Thus, for plowing at 28–30 cm on average for factor A, the yield was 3.80 t/ha, the same level of yield of 3.94 t/ha was obtained by chisel cultivation at 28–30 cm. The lowest productivity of soybeans is 3.30 t/ha was noted at zero tillage, which is less by 0.50 t/ ha or 15.2% compared to the control.


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