Formation of leaf area and photosynthetic activity of sunflower plants depending on fertilizers and plant growth regulators

  • Ye.O. Domaratskyi Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: sunflower, multifunctional preparations, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, Wuxal, Fitomare, Khelafit Kombi


The purpose is to substantiate scientificallyand determine the dependence of the formation of leafarea and photosynthetic activity of sunflower plants underthe influence of fertilizers and plant growth regulators.Methods. The initial materials for modeling and forecastingconsisted of the experimental data of the field experimentsconducted in the conditions of Mykolaiv region in Yelanetsdistrict in the soils – common black soils with a low humuslevel and the content of hydrolyzed nitrogen 1.5–1.8;easily absorbed phosphorous 4.5–7.0 and exchangeable potassium 12–15 mg/100 g of the soil during2015–2017. The experiment was carried out by a twofactor scheme where Factor А – the background of mineralnutrition (a test plot without fertilizers; N30P45; N60P90); andFactor В – foliar feeding of plants at the stage of 6-8 trueleaves with the preparations (Wuxal Microplant, KhelafitKombi and Fitomare). Winter wheat was a pre-crop forsunflower. Results. The generalized results of the fieldresearch of many years allowed establishing that the year2017 with a very low soil moisture level and high temperatureswas the least favorable for growing the crop, the weatherconditions of 2015 and 2016 were the most favorableones. The duration of the period between the beginningof the capitulum formation and blooming in the test variantwas 33 days on the average, and it was 5 days more inthe variant with the nutrition background (N60P90) and withthe application of the preparation Khelafit Kombi. Weestablished intensification of a direct effect of the fertilizersand preparations due to prolongation of the period. Whenit comes to a quality index – net primary productivityof photosynthesis (NPP), there is an indirect correlation:the application of the fertilizers and preparations reducedits value. For instance, the average level of NPP withoutfertilizers was 3.09 g/m2 per day, against the backgroundNзоР45 it fell by 8.1%, and against the background N60P90 itdropped by 10.1%. The content of chlorophyll increasedconsiderably under the influence of the fertilizersand preparations, the maximum value of this index was inthe variant with the application of the preparation Fitomareagainst the background N60P90 – 8.97 mg/g of dry substance,that is higher by 73% than in the test variant (without anyfertilizers and preparations). Conclusions. The fertilizerscombined with multifunctional preparations had an essentialimpact on the size of the leaf area and the photosyntheticpotential of agrocenosis. The latter increases not only dueto the leaf area, but also owing to prolongation of its activity.Foliar feeding of sunflower plants at the stage of 6–8 trueleaves with the plant-growth regulators contributed toa change not only in the general content of chlorophyll,but also in its fractional composition. There was a priorityincrease in the content of the fraction “а” in all the cases.Optimal selection of a combined multifunctional preparationcan become an efficient method for regulating the amountof chlorophyll and its fractional composition.


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