The use of microbial preparations and plant growth regulators to reduce the accumulation of heavy metals in the grain of winter wheat

  • O.B. Bondareva Donetsk State Agricultural Research Station of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.O. Vinyukov Donetsk State Agricultural Research Station of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • L.I. Konovalenko Donetsk State Agricultural Research Station of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: grain, biopreparations, seed inoculation, crop spraying, protective effect, biological absorption coefficient


Purpose. To analyze the impact of integrated application of inoculation of winter wheat seeds with biopreparations with treatment of plants with stimulants on the accumulation of heavy metals in the grain under man-made load. Methods. Field, laboratory, computational and statistical, analysis and synthesis. Results. It was found that bacterization of winter wheat seeds and spraying of crops with plant growth regulators provided an increase in the productivity of winter wheat. The additional yield relative to control with seed bacterization was 0,60 t/ha for diazophyte (8,5%) and 0,79 t/ha for polymyxobacterin (11,1%). The greatest additional yield was given by the combination of inoculation of seeds with polymyxobacterin with treatment of vegetative plants with a humic mixture of aydar. The yield in this variant was 8,08 t/ha, which significantly exceeded the control by 0,98 t/ha (13,8%). To assess product quality, an analytical determination of the content of heavy metals in the grain was performed. The complex use of microbial preparations and foliar treatment of crops with a solution of biostimulants of plants aidar and vermistim reduces the absorption of the most dangerous elements of lead and cadmium in winter wheat grain (by 31–43% and 29–35% against the control option), which allows to obtain grain with quality indicators in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. Polymyxobacterin for complex use with stimulants aydar and vermistim has a protective effect against lead and cadmium, as it reduces the content of these elements in the plants of winter wheat. The maximum positive effect was given by the complex use of polymyxobacterin and the biostimulator aydar. In this variant, the accumulation of lead in the grain of winter wheat decreased by 2,3 times, cadmium – by 1,8 times. The biological absorption coefficient on the control was 0,18 for lead, 0,08 with treatment, 0,19 and 0,11 for cadmium, respectively. Conclusions. The use of such agricultural measures makes it possible to reduce the risk of contamination of grain products in the cultivation of winter wheat in industrial regions with a high level of man-made load on the agrosphere.


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