Yield of green mass of sugar sorghum depending on varietal characteristics, seeding rates, biological product and microfertilizers for different years of research
Goal. To establish the dependence of sugar sorghum productivity on varietal characteristics, seeding rates, biological products and microfertilizers under the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Research methodology. The research was carried out in the zone of insufficient moisture in the conditions of the Educational-scientificpractical center of the Nikolaev national agrarian university during 2013–2015. Varieties and hybrids of sugar sorghum are recommended for cultivation in the steppe of Ukraine. Accounting and observation of plant development (phenological observations, tillering, stem height, stem diameter, yield, etc.) were performed according to general methods. Statistical processing of experimental results was performed by the dispersion method, using application packages Statistica 6.0, Microsoft Excel. Research results. On average, over the years of research on all varieties and hybrids, there was an increase in the yield of green mass with an increase in seeding rates from 70 to 160 thousand similar seeds / ha. It was the largest in the variant for sowing 130 thousand similar seeds / ha – 17.9%, and for the norms of 100 and 160 thousand east. us. per 1 ha – 15.8 and 5.2%, respectively. Crop density leads to deterioration of plant nutrition conditions and photosynthesis processes, and thus to reduced yields. According to research, Factor C also had a significant effect on the yield of green mass of sugar sorghum - treatment of plants during the growing season in the tillering and tubing phases with Biocomplex-BTU and a mixture of microfertilizers “Quantum”. Conclusions. Thus, in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine, the cultivation of sugar sorghum on green mass should be carried out according to the technology involving sowing of the Honey hybrid with sowing rate of 130 thousand similar seeds per 1 ha and fertilization of vegetation plants in the tillering and tubing phase. “Bor Active”(0.3 l / ha),“Quantum-AquaSil”(1 l / ha),“Quantum- Chelate Zinc”(1 l / ha),“Quantum-Amino Max”(0.5 l / ha) with the biological product “Biocomplex-BTU” (2 l / ha), which provides a yield of green mass of 82.7 t / ha. In years with drier weather conditions to obtain higher yields of green mass of sorghum, sowing rates should be reduced to 100 thousand similar seeds / ha.
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