Influence of growth stimulants on photosynthetic activity and seed productivity of alfalfa

  • A.V. Tishchenko Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.D. Tishchenko Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.O. Pilyarska Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.M. Dimov Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • G.M. Kuts Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • N.M. Galchenko Askaniiska State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: varieties, productivity, assimilation surface, photosynthetic potential, moisture conditions


Purpose. Study of the influence of growth stimulantsand moisture conditions on the photosynthetic activityand seed productivity of alfalfa varieties of different yearsof life and their relationship. Methods. Field, laboratory,statistical. Results. When studying the leaf surface areain the year of sowing in conditions of natural moisture inthe Zoryana variety on the control option, these indicators varyby phases: stalking ‒ 6.48 thousand m2/hectare, budding ‒9.95, mass flowering ‒ 16.11, mass fruiting ‒ 15.46 thousandm2/hectare. The use of growth stimulants helps toincrease the assimilation surface of alfalfa plants. The bestresults were obtained with stimulants Agrostimulin and Hartin the phase of mass flowering 18.37 and 18.76 thousandm2/hectare. At drop irrigation the same regularity remains.The largest area of the assimilation surface is formed inthe phase of mass flowering of 26.45 and 26.47 thousandm2/hectare. In crops of the second year of life the area of a leafsurface considerably increased in comparison with cropsof the first year and made on a Zoryana variety and phasesof development: the beginning of budding ‒ 20.27 thousandm2/hectare, the beginning of flowering ‒ 25.49, mass flowering‒ 35.79 and mass fruiting ‒ 28.16 thousand m2/hectarein conditions of natural moisture (control 1). At drop irrigationthe same sequence is noted, but at higher values of the areaof assimilation surface: 32.17; 40.82; 53.61; 45.92 thousandm2/hectare, respectively. The maximum values are recorded in the case of using stimulants Harth and Lucis in all phasesof development (34.31‒34.69; 46.12‒46.74; 61.98‒63.21;52.80‒54.11 thousand m2/hectare). The study of photosyntheticpotential (PhP) showed that the introduction of growthstimulants to the value of PhP contributes to the growth of itsvalue and it is in the range: 0.75‒0.78 million m2×days/hectare;0.47‒0.49 and 2.68‒2.87 million m2×days/hectare underirrigation conditions, by phases of development (Zoryanavariety ‒ control 1). Without irrigation, the indicators of PhPare lower and are: 0.47‒0.48; 0.29‒0.30 and 1.65‒1.71 millionm2×days/hectare, respectively. The best options areoptions using stimulants Harth and Lucis, regardlessof humidification conditions with indicators: 0.77‒0.78; 0.49;2.81‒2.87 million m2×days/hectare (irrigation) and 0.48;0.30 and 1.70‒1.71 million m2×days/hectare. The maximumyield of alfalfa seeds was obtained with the useof Hart and Lucis stimulants with fluctuations from 655 to671 kg/hectare under irrigation and 472–497 kg/hectareunder natural moisture. Correlations between alfalfa seedyield and leaf surface area (r = 0.888‒0.945) and photosyntheticpotential (r = 0.939‒0.945) were determined.Conclusions. The results of the studies allowed to establishthe effect of growth stimulants on the assimilation surfaceof alfalfa plants, photosynthetic potential, as well as correlationsbetween alfalfa seed yield and leaf surface area (r =0.888‒0.945) and photosynthetic potential (r = 0.939‒0.945).


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