Formation of a characteristic collection of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes resistant to sulfonylurea herbicides
Purpose. The purpose of the work is to form a characteristic collection of inbred lines of sunflower, both for the level of resistance to herbicides of the sulfonylurea group and for a set of morpho-biological and morpho-metric traits, for further use in breeding programs. Methods: It was evaluated the stability of 11 inbred lines of sunflower: Sures 1, Sures 2, X-201 B, OC 1001 B, OC 1031 B, OC 1091 B, OC 1099 B, Od 1125 B, OC 2017 B, OC 1021 B, VLA-8 SU, to tribenuron-methyl by counting the number of resistant and not resistant plants to the herbicide after treatment with the herbicide Granstar Pro 75 on the 14th day of growing. Studies of morpho-biological and morpho- metric traits sunflower (HELIANTHUS L.) were conducted according to the methods of The Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS. The level of oil content in the seeds was determined by the express method using Newport Oxford Instruments, Buckinghamshire, England. Statistical data processing was performed using Excel tools. In particular, the assessment of the significance of the influence of the factor "genotype" on the variation of the values of eight morphological traits was performed in a one-factor dispersion complex using the parametric Fisher's test (F). The least significant difference method was used to determine the limits of the marginal random deviations of the obtained results. Results. The study of eleven sunflower lines on morpho-biological and morpho- metric features took place during 2019 and 2020. All studied lines was showed resistance to tribenuron-methyl at a high level. The presence of phenotypic diversity in most morpho-biological traits was established. The lines also differed from each other, both in the intensity of color of individual organs and the variety of forms of the latter. The orange-yellow color of the ligulate flowers remained unchanged for all samples. The results of studies of sunflower lines on morphometric characteristics showed the conditionality of variation of values by the factor “genotype”. All the lines were low-growing, the height of which varied depending on the year, in 2019 it did not exceed 148.3 cm, and in 2020 - 119 cm. The maximum diameter of the head had in the line VLA 8 Su and the minimum in OC 1099 B. Sample Sures 1 stood out with the largest leaf plate area (626.6 cm2 in 2019 and 513.4 cm2 in 2020). The period of “shoots-flowering” averaged 65 days in 2019 and increased in 2020 and amounted to 71 days. The conditions of the year did not significantly affect the variation in the length and width of the achene. The maximum weight of 1000 seeds was observed in the lines X 201 B and OC 2017 B, which had 38 g. The oil content of the collection samples varied from 31.3 to 41.1%. Conclusions. The conducted researches allowed to form a collection of inbred lines of sunflower resistant to herbicides of the sulfonylurea group and established a high level of resistance of collection samples to tribenuron-methyl.
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