Influence of preparations of chemical and biological origin on the field germination and productivity of summer potatoes planted with freshly picked tubers
The goal of the research was to determine the possibility of reducing the chemical load on the environment when using summer planting with freshly picked tubers. Methods. Field studies were carried out in accordance with the requirements of research methods and methodological recommendations for conducting research with potatoes on irrigated lands of the Institute of irrigated agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences in the area of operation of the Ingulets irrigation system. Mathematical processing of experimental data was carried out according to generally accepted methods. The study compared the effect of chemical treatment of tubers after drying of the 4-component solution of stimulants (1% thiourea, 1% potassium permanganate, 0.002% succinic acid, 0.0005% gibberellin) on germination, plant development and planting productivity. Drugs Gaupsin, Trichodermin, Urea K-6 were studied. These biologics are not harmful to humans, warmblooded animals, insects, fish, and do not accumulate in plants. Agricultural technology in the experiment, in addition to the studied factors, is generally accepted for irrigated lands in the south of Ukraine. Repetition – four times. Results. The effect of any drug, both in its pure form and in combination with other drugs, on the intensity of seedling formation was not revealed. The average yield values for three years of research indicate that none of the options for processing seed tubers provided a significant increase in plant productivity. The maximum average yield of tubers was provided by the option with additional treatment of tubers with Gaupsin biologics – 21.19 t/ha, which is only 1.58 % higher than the control (background). The productivity of the control variants was 20.86 and 20.72 t/ha. The minimum average yield was 18.86 t/ha, which is 2.0 T, or 9.59% lower than the control in the variant with additional treatment with Urea K-6. Conclusion. The level of potato yield in summer planting did not depend on the treatment of freshly picked tubers in summer planting with preparations of chemical and biological origin. On the only option with additional treatment of plants with the fungicidal biologics Gaupsin, the yield compared to the control was higher by 0.33 t/ha, or 1.6%, respectively, the profitability of production by 11.2%, and the conditional net profit by 4.35 thousand UAH/ton. The remaining options did not exceed the control.
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